Ebrahim Moosa, “Ghazālian Insights on Scholarly Critique and Freedom,” in Free Speech, Scholarly Critique and the Limits of Expression in Islam, ed. Liyakat Takim (Proceedings of the 9th AMI Contemporary Fiqhī Issues Workshop 1-2 July 2021). (Birmingham, UK:AMI Press, 2022), 152-168. GhazalianI nsights on Scholarly Critique & Freedom
In Divine Action: Challenges for Muslim and Christian Theology Moosa, Ebrahim – A Theological Gaze at the Human Condition – Considering Divine Action and Human Responsibility (Eds) John Sanders, Klaus von Stosch (Brill Schöningh: Paderborn, 2022), pp. 189-209.
- Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute on 17 January 2022 published dialogues between anthropologists and scholars of the study of religion and theology. I had an exchange with the distinguished anthropologist Prof Khaled Furani. See the dialogue at the end of the document or separately JRoyal Anthropological Institute2022 dialoguesAnthropologyTheology. FuraniMoosaDiaglogueAnthropologyTheology
- Book Review of Modern Things on Trial, by Leor Halevi MoosaReviewModernThings
- “Update of archaic doctrine should accompany censure”
- An opinion piece I wrote for the Orlando Sentinel
- MoosaUpdate of archaic doctrine copy
- Stanford University Baccalaureate Celebration Address
- On June 16, 2001 I gave the graduation address at Stanford University, arguing for a global, transcendent understanding of humanity.
- MoosaSpeechStanford2001
- On Educating Oneself
- A short think-piece I wrote on the importance of education and my own personal journey
- MoosaOnEducatingOneself
- “Reformer or Pragmatist?: A Response to the Stanford Journal of International Relations Interview with F.W. de Klerk”
- This is a response piece I wrote dealing with South African politics and society
- MoosaonDeKlerk
- “Inside the Madrasa: A Personal History,” Boston Review, January 2007
- “Pilgrims at Heart, New York Times, 2006
- “Islamic Reform or Designer Fundamentalism?” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Winter/Spring 2006. 139-144
- “Abu Hamid al-Ghazali” Le Nouvel Observateur: Les nouveaux penseurs de l’islam, avril/mai 2004, 41
- “Muslims Ask: Does Cloning Distort Creation?” Voices Across Boundaries, Winter 2003-4, 34-37
- Human Cloning in Muslim Ethics
- “Configuring Muslim Thought: On the Need to be Earnest about History and Transcendence,”ISIM Newsletter 12, June 2003, 30-31
- “Bush’s War Against Islam is Real,” Herald-Sun (December 17, 2002) (reprinted in several Knight Ridder publications.)
- “Unfair to Direct Blame at Islam,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution (November 7, 2002).