My latest contribution to Critical Muslim, 34 thematic issue: Destinations. New Territories is my contribution and I thank the publisher Hurst and the editor Ziauddin Sardar for allowing me to... read more →
Read posts that foster a deeper conversation on Muslim Ethics and sharia law.
BBC InterviewI am sure the Muslim community the world over will welcome the resumption of umra visits, voluntary visits to the Muslim holy places in Makka and Madina, as announced... read more →
:: Muwaṭṭaʾ Roundtable :: Journey of the Muwaṭṭaʾ in different periods of the history of South Asia: Shāh Walīyullāh’s Pursuit of Mālik Posted on December 8, 2019 by islamiclawblog By Ebrahim Moosa (University of Notre... read more →
Diary: Eid al-Fitr--30 Ramadan 1441 AH- 23 May 2020 -South Bend, Indiana, USA Wishing you a contemplative ʿĪd Mubārak/Eid Mubarak, a blessed opportunity to... read more →
"But suspending the pilgrimage is a call the Saudis and religious leaders must make, for during wars, epidemics and extreme danger, the obligation to perform the hajj is removed. The... read more →