Official announcement of my appointment to an endowed chair at the University of Notre Dame, as the Mirza Family Professor of Islamic Thought and Muslim Societies in this notification.Very pleased about this outcome. Thanks to Susan Scribner Mirza, a Notre Dame alumna who made a generous donation to the Keough... read more →
:: Muwaṭṭaʾ Roundtable :: Journey of the Muwaṭṭaʾ in different periods of the history of South Asia: Shāh Walīyullāh’s Pursuit of Mālik Posted on December 8, 2019 by islamiclawblog By Ebrahim Moosa (University of Notre Dame) It is one of those twists of history that in a region famed for hosting the largest number of... read more →
Diary: Eid al-Fitr--30 Ramadan 1441 AH- 23 May 2020 -South Bend, Indiana, USA Wishing you a contemplative ʿĪd Mubārak/Eid Mubarak, a blessed opportunity to celebrate the conclusion to the month of prayer, fasting and sexual abstinence during daylight hours. But I am in no... read more →
"But suspending the pilgrimage is a call the Saudis and religious leaders must make, for during wars, epidemics and extreme danger, the obligation to perform the hajj is removed. The Quran is explicit: “And do not with your own hands invest in destruction.” Prophet Muhammad taught that one should avoid... read more →
Therefore, there is no salvation except in independence of thought. ‘‘Forget all you’ve heard and clutch what you see At sunrise what use is Saturn to thee?’’ If writing these words yields no other outcome save to make you doubt your inherited beliefs, compelling you to inquire, then it was... read more →